Components of the SEERC
Electronic seals (including network)
CMC - Centralised Monitoring Centre
Portable Readers and RFID cards
Seal loading cabins
RRT (ERR) - Rapid Response Team vehicles, containing tablets and surveillance cameras;
Cargo tracking and monitoring platform
CCTV system at the sealing and unsealing sites
Objectives of the SEERC
The system aims to prevent tax evasion, combat smuggling and cargo loss as well as to facilitate the transit of legitimate cargo and increase the efficiency of transit time through the main corridors and borders and the customs clearance of cargo.
The SEERC is an ally for the development of the Mozambican economy and the enhancement of the business environment. This system is in line with the country's objective of aligning itself with international industry best practices by providing a fair and secure business environment.
Benefits of Implementing SEERC
Increased revenue
for the state
Reducing Loss /
Theft and Damage
Reduction of Transaction Costs
Protects the National
Business Community
Reduced average
transit time
Reduces the
turnaround in ports
The customs situation before the SEERC
According to the Tax Authority, in the years 2015 to 2019, there were about 18,301 DU's pending in the system, which represented revenue losses for the State in the order of, 67,638,395,078.73 MZN. These losses could have been avoided, reduced if not eliminated if along with the global guarantee, set at about 35% of the total levies due for goods in transit introduced (fraudulently) in the domestic market, electronic security devices such as the electronic seal had been applied
MECTS Progress in the Implementation Process
5th June
Signature of the MECTS/AT concession contract
14th December
SEERC pilot phase launched
1st January
Start of the effective phase SEERC
Sealing of fuels
28th June
Sealing of goods passing through warehouses
Railroad containerized cargo sealing
15th November
Complete Sealing of all Goods in Transit
Sealing of all types of goods